Downtown Vancouver East Side Neighborhood

Geographical Location

Cambie street borders Downtown Vancouver East Side neighborhood towards the west, on the eastern side is Clark Drive, Prior Avenue (also known as Venables Street) lies to the south, towards the north is the waterfront and running across it is the Street of Hastings. This neighborhood is said to comprise many smaller residential areas such as Gastown, Thornton Park, the light industrial area that lies to the north, Chinatown, Victory Square as well as Oppenheimer Park that was initially known as Japan town.

Historical Information

At the dawn of the 20th century, the CBD of Vancouver was this neighborhood and it featured the courthouse, the city hall as well as the Carnegie Library. This area was the hub of railway transportation because it housed the Electric Railway Company headquarters in the British Columbia region. Entertainment, cultural practices and events as well as shopping were some of the major events that took place in this neighborhood. Several Japanese people resided in this area before the 2nd world war, hence the reason it was referred to as Japan town during that time. When the city CBD was moved to the west side, Downtown Vancouver East Side collapsed. Although the area is currently recuperating (renovation of old buildings and start up of new businesses), it has enough problems to deal with such as drug abuse, mental illnesses, sex trade, poverty and community activism.

Education in Downtown Vancouver East Side

Education is fundamental in the Vancouver area and so is this neighborhood. There are various educational institutions that can be easily accessed in this area as well as surrounding neighborhoods.

Population Demographics

In 2001, the neighborhood had a population of 16,590. 9% of the total population were Indians, 10% Aboriginals, the Chinese comprised 23%, Vietnamese 5%, the Japanese 2% and the rest constituted other immigrants. 7% were under 19 years of age and those who live alone make up 82% of the population with an annual average income of about $6200. Clergy members like nuns and priests, cooks, firemen, police, health and social service workers and other professionals make up the neighborhood’s population.