South Granville Neighborhood in Vancouver BC

Geographical Location

The northern boundary of the South Granville neighborhood is the 41st Avenue, bordering it to the south is the 64th Park Drive, on the western border lies East Boulevard and Cypress Street, and on the eastern border is Oak Street. Granville Street bisects the neighborhood into two, running from the north towards south.

Historical Information

Just like Shaughnessy and Marpole, the development of this neighborhood began at the beginning of the 1900s with the construction of most residential homes initiating in the 30s. Most of these homes showcase streets that are lined with trees and buildings that are elegant. Oak and Granville streets were developed in the 40s to allow for ease of movement within and around the neighborhood. As a result of the development of these streets, other major projects were undertaken within the neighborhood for development purposes. Old buildings that still exist in the residential neighborhood include the Shannon Mews which is located along the street of Granville. Although modern style residential homes (smaller in size) such as condos and town houses have been developed in this neighborhood, they complement the old buildings to help preserve South Granville’s heritage appearance.

Education in South Granville

South Granville is a hub of education and features various institutions of learning both around and within the neighborhood. Elementary and secondary schools are abundant within the area for access by the residents. Maple Grove, Osler, McKechnie as well as Laurier are the elementary schools that the residents of this neighborhood can easily access. For secondary school education, the nearby schools entail Eric Hamber, Sir Winston Churchill and Magee secondary schools. The three major private schools within the residential area are St. George Academy, the Crofton House and the York House.

Population Demographics

With an adult population of 9,174, the neighborhood of South Granville has a per household average annual income of $124,545. The Chinese comprise 58% of the area’s total population. Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos and South Asians are also found in the neighborhood in the percentages of 1%, 1%, 2% and 3% respectively. The remaining 33% of the total population entail a minority ethnic groups that are considered invisible.