S.W Marine Neighborhood in Vancouver BC

Geographical Location

S.W Marine is bordered by West Boulevard to the east, West 49th Avenue lies to the north, bordering it to the west is the S.W Marine Drive and on the southeastern border is Granville Street. Crossing the neighborhood on the south eastern areas from the West Boulevard eastern boundary to the south of the S.W Marine Drive is the Angus Drive. The West 57 Avenue runs across it from west to east to the neighboring

Historical Information

In the late 40s, many residential homes were built in this neighborhood to accommodate its increasing number of residents. Today, these beautiful heritage homes with a unique story to tell stand out within the residential area. The buildings are renovated from time to time in order to ensure that they are in good shape without damaging their traditional look and tough of style as well as elegance. The development of the neighborhood’s streets enhanced its access and thus further boosting its growth. All these occurred in the early centuries.

Education in S.W Marine Neighborhood

Just like other Vancouver neighborhoods, this Westside residential area takes educational matters seriously. Located along the 7455 Maple Street, the McKechnie elementary school is easily accessible from the S.W Marine residential area. Other elementary, private and secondary schools in the neighboring residential areas can also be accessed by the children residing in this neighborhood.

Population Demographics

The population of adults living in S.W Marine is 2,880 and their average annual income for every household is $146,141. 84.1% of the residents own homes while 15.9% live in rental homes. Single residents comprise 35.8% whereas those who are married 51.8%. Most of the residents at 72.6% have some form of higher education after completing their secondary schooling. The residents who drive to work make up 80% of the total population while 8% use public transport. Southeast Asians make up the major ethnic group in the residential area comprising 53% with the Chinese dragging behind at 38%. South Asians, Filipinos and Koreans also live in this neighborhood.