Renfrew Heights Neighborhood in Vancouver

Geographical Location

Renfrew Heights is a neighborhood located on the eastern side of the city of Vancouver. It is bordered to the south by the East 29th Avenue, Boundary Road lies to the east, Grandview Highway runs along the northern border and bordering it to the west is Nanaimo Street. The neighborhood of Burnaby lies to the east of this residential area.

Historical Information

Just like any other neighborhood within Vancouver, this neighborhood is very rich in history. Heritage buildings constructed many years ago have been renovated to be used as residential homes. Various parks built in the early century are also featured in the area to provide recreational services to the community.

Education in Renfrew Heights

Education is an important factor when looking to purchase property for a family with school-going children. Local schools within this neighborhood ensure that residents are able to access educational facilities conveniently. Whether a family moving into this area is looking for an elementary school, high school or even a college, they will not be disappointed. Independent or private schools are also within the neighborhood’s locality. The elementary schools comprise Lord Beaconsfield, Nootka and Renfrew elementary schools. Windermere is a secondary school within the neighborhood. The three major private schools in the neighborhood of Renfrew are the St. Jude’s School, the Vancouver Oral Centre and the Vancouver Christian School.

Population Demographics

The population of adults residing in this neighborhood is 14,513 and the median income for every household is $67,872. Residents who are single comprise 36.5% while those who are married make up 50.2%. 66.1% of the area’s population own homes while renters entail 33.9%. Residents with some form of tertiary education constitute 44.4% of the total population. 52% of the residents are Chinese and 65% drive themselves to work every day. This multi-ethnic community features various races from across the globe apart from the Asians that flock the place.