Knight in Vancouver, BC

Geographical Location

Located on Vancouver’s eastern side, Knight neighborhood is enclosed to the north by the East 16th Avenue, Argyle Street and the East 49th Avenue lies to the east, the 54th Avenue borders it to the south and the western border comprise the Elgin Street.

Historical Information

Due to the location of Knight within Vancouver, the demand for housing is always on the increasing end. Although most of the heritage homes were built in the 40s-60s and the 80s, the area has seen newer residences developed in the neighborhood. Vancouver Specials, condominiums and town houses comprise the newer housing units in the area. The initial middle-class residents of this neighborhood were very successful. Young families and singles in the low and middle classes comprise the current residents of this neighborhood.

Education in Knight Neighborhood

For any community of young families with children, education is mandatory. The Dickens Annex, McBride, Tecumseh, Lord Selkirk Annex, Tecumseh Annex and the Sir Sanford Fleming are the major institutions providing elementary education for children below the age of 13. The John Oliver, David Thompson and Gladstone schools provide secondary education for both the middle and seniors children in the neighborhood of Knight. The St. Joseph’s School, St. Andrews, Khalsa and the Stratford Hall are some of the best private institutions in the area.

Population Demographics

The approximate population of Knight neighborhood is 18,000 and the total number of households is 7000. 61.1% of the residents own homes while 38.9% rent housing units for themselves and their families. $65,433 is the average income of each household every year. The majorities of residents are couples who have children (families) and comprise 55.6% of the entire population while those who are married make up 52.4%. The Chinese constitute 48% of the entire population while Filipinos comprise 8%. Latin Americans, Asians from the southeast and south of Asia as well as native Canadians reside here. However, the number of immigrants living in Knight is more than the Canadian natives.