Cates Landing by Polygon Homes | Presale Condo in North Vancouver



Located in North Vancouver, in the heart of the tranquil Mount Seymour neighborhood and right next to the renowned Cates Park in Deep Cove, Cates Landing is a development project still in preconstruction. Developed by Polygon Homes, this waterfront boutique of 95 apartments and townhouses is the perfect place to call home! Located in a peaceful community and being just minutes away from the Downtown Vancouver city action, Cates Landing also offers incredible views of the Burrard Inlet.

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Price Points

Price points will be available upon the commencement of the sales program this summer.

Condo Types and Sizes

Condo types and sizes will be available upon the commencement of the sales program this summer.



Just 2 words can perfectly well describe what Cates Landing is going to be about – spacious and sophisticated. The architects want to provide a high-class living to those who appreciate an airy environment with spacious terraces, patios as well as floor plans. The whole design is going to induce a slight West Coast feel to it, with modernized and innovative appliances, built-in systems and pantries. Bathrooms will be decorated to provide the best spa experience at home.


Polygon Homes is a developing company operating since 1980. Since then, it has achieved great reputation and status for one of the most appealing and highly acclaimed buildings built so far. Polygon Homes is a Vancouver-owned company and operates only out of it.

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About Jean Seguin

Jean Seguin has written 301 post in this blog.