
Quilchena is a quiet and peaceful upper-class residential neighborhood which is situated to the west of Vancouver in the British Columbia. With the Arbutus Street as its major thoroughfare, this neighborhood is sandwiched between Cambie, Kerrisdale (located to the west), Arbutus, MacKenzie Heights as well as the Shaughnessy (located to the east) neighborhoods.

Historical Facts

Quilchena was once a golf course before 1965 and it stands for a flat area that is located near the ocean. Unlike many other residential areas in the city, this neighborhood does not feature heritage buildings with the majority of its homes being a little newer.


In terms of education, this neighborhood has so much to offer its residents. As a result of the fact that education plays a great role in the area one is considering to move into, new residents should always look out for the educational facilities available in their tobe home. Quilchena elementary and Prince of Wales Secondary school is easily accessible from this neighborhood; they are just some of the schools that are found within this community. However, one can also access schools from nearby neighborhoods such as those named above.


Quilchena has a population of about 54,709 that constitutes residents who are aged as well as young professionals who are very affluent; they contribute to the community being considered peaceful. A mix of low class condominiums and single detached houses comprise the upscale properties within this residential neighborhood. 15% of the residents are at least 65 years of age, 37.5% between 40 and 64 years, 22.8% with ages ranging from 20 to 39 and 24.7% below 19. Just like all other neighbourhoods in Vancouver, English is the major language spoken by residents in addition to others like Chinese and Japanese; this leads to a multicultural population with diverse origins.